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Meet Our School of Business Course Team


Alexander Alexandrov

MBCS, MRTS, BA – Programme Manager – Business Management

Alexander is an experienced lecturer with more than 20 years of lecturing on Business Management and Information Technology modules at several UK universities – undergraduate and graduate levels. Quite a few of his former students built successful managerial and academic careers.
He is a Full Member of the British Computer Society and Royal Television Society, which reflect his interest in Information Technology as such and the digital economy in particular.

Alexander served as a Marketing Manager and IT Manager at a few educational institutions. He participates in developing a VLE for the DGHE Study Skills programme and continues doing freelance jobs as a web designer and webmaster.

He helped a number of foreign universities to establish links and start collaborative programmes with UK Higher Education institutions and examining bodies and organised and moderated a few international conferences. He received a few educational awards for these activities, including an Honorary Doctorate from Ukrainian Petro Mohyla National University.


Professor Bruce Sheppy

MBA, FHEA – Senior Lecturer – Business Management

Bruce is an experienced senior management professional, having served as group Marketing director of a South African hospital group listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and as CEO of a pan-African medical insurance and health management group with offices in Egypt, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana and Rwanda. After moving to England in 2003, he changed his career to that of an academic, trainer and consultant. In England, he has also served as a director of an NHS Acute Trust, a Community Association and a Mental Health charity in London.

A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Member of the Institute of Directors, he is also a visiting lecturer at a number of London-based universities and colleges in the subject areas of strategy, marketing and leadership. He has an extensive publication record in peer-reviewed journals and is on the editorial board of a leading healthcare management journal, and is a director of an environmental management institute.


Isha Subedi

MBA, BSc (Hons) – Lecturer – Business Management

Isha has been in higher education since 2019 and has taught students at different universities. She has an in-depth understanding of different aspects of business studies and effective teaching styles that ensure the elimination of barriers to learning and imparting adequate knowledge of the business environment. She has a real passion for ensuring the students in the area all have access to a rich curriculum and the opportunity to develop their skills.

Before teaching, Isha obtained an MBA in Entrepreneurship and BSc (Hons) in Public Health. Alongside her academic studies, Isha was a teaching assistant at the same university. Her areas of interest and expertise are Business Communication, Marketing Management, Academic skills & Professional Development, Leadership and Strategic Management and Research (Qualitative and Quantitative).

She enjoys travelling across the world, exploring various cultures and new places.


Nurul Islam

MBA, MSc, DBA – Lecturer – Business Management

Nurul has completed an undergraduate degree in business administration from a reputed university in Bangladesh, following an MBA from Herriot-Watt University, UK and an MSc in International Business from the University of Ulster, UK. He has achieved his doctorate, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field. His research area includes CSR, SME CSR and sustainability.

He started his career in Sales & Marketing; worked for four years in a well-reputed tea-producing and trading company based in Bangladesh as a Sales and Market Development Manager. He also worked in various positions in finance and operations at SMEs in the UK. For the past ten years, he has run a management and energy consultancy company as Director of Operations based in the UK.

Due to his immense interest in teaching, he has been teaching as visiting lecturer in various Universities and Colleges in the UK for more than eight years. Besides teaching, Nurul also supervises post-graduate dissertations for MSc International Business, Management & Marketing students.


Bernard Hot

PGCE, MSc – Lecturer – Business Management

Bernard has been lecturing in Higher Education for over 12 years.
After working as a Management Consultant and establishing & running businesses in London and Africa, he founded and ran an Approved Corporate Training Centre with the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) dealing with Blue Chip companies in the UK and Africa.

This accumulated practical knowledge has led him to enter the education sector to share it with learners passionately.

He is a qualified teacher with a PGCE. After his first degree, he completed an MSc in Business and Enterprise at Oxford Brookes University Business School. He is currently training for a Certified Professional status in Customer Experience, an SET, ILM and Advanced Higher Education associate member.


Steven Brown

BA Hons, PGDip (Law), MBA, FHEA – Lecturer – Business Management

Steven has worked in Supply Chain, Operations and Strategy Management at a global level for over twenty years, including roles with household names like Sony, Vodafone and Deliveroo. His experience spans several different industries, and companies of all sizes: from the world’s largest shipping company to relatively small, family-owned enterprises. He has been based in the UK, Hong Kong, Sweden, Germany and Denmark; he has also worked on projects in many other countries, including leadership of several business system rollouts on a global scale.

A firm supporter of lifelong learning, his professional and academic careers have developed in tandem. Steven completed his first degree while serving in the British Army, before moving into a career in business in 2001. He originally worked in the field of Logistics, then moved on to develop his experience as an Operations/Supply Chain generalist.

After completing his first degree, Steven undertook postgraduate study in law (the Common Professional Examination) at the University of Central England, followed by an MBA at the University of Leicester. He is currently undertaking doctoral research at the University of Greenwich. His research interests focus on the field of strategy as practice: in particular, the relative impacts of practice, power and discourse on intended and unintended outcomes of organisational strategizing activities.

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