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Quality Assurance

Strategic corporate and academic governance at the DGHE Centre is driven by the Senior Management Team and exercised through leadership by the Director of Higher Education (DoHE). Responsibility for quality assurance at the College lies with the Head of Centre. A quality assurance system and operational committee structure support the overarching values required by the Office for Students in accordance with the general ongoing conditions of the regulatory framework for higher education in England.

Operational management of course delivery and assessment and general oversight of the student’s learning experience is the responsibility of Head of Academic Delivery & Development and Programme Managers. All activities within the ‘quality cycle’ are coordinated by the Head of Academic Administration, who manages a detailed Academic Calendar to ensure consistency and continuity.

The Centre’s Quality Assurance & Enhancement Handbook and comprehensive supporting policy documents demonstrate how DGHE fulfils its responsibilities toward academic governance with particular reference to the management of academic standards and quality enhancement. The College will be happy to provide applicants with further details upon request; just contact us.