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National Student Survey

The National Student Survey (NSS) is an annual survey of final-year undergraduate students across the UK.  The survey asks students for their honest opinion on what it was like to study at their institution, on their course. It’s an important source of public information about higher education and it gives students a strong collective voice to guide the future of their course and their university/college for current and prospective students.

The NSS is commissioned by the Office for Students (OfS), on behalf of the UK funding and the regulator bodies and is conducted by an independent body, Ipsos MORI which consists of 27 questions, relating to eight aspects of the student experience. To read more about the survey visit The Student Survey website.

Who benefits from the NSS results?

The student feedback from the NSS provides DGHE with a picture of what the learning experience has been like for students completing their course in that year. This feedback helps us make important decisions about the future of DGHE and our student experience. It also helps prospective students make well-informed decisions about what it is like to study here. Anyone can view NSS results at Discover Uni.

NSS 2022 results for DGHE

We are extremely proud of last year’s NSS Results. Every year we analyse very carefully the survey results and work towards delivering courses of the highest quality and creating an environment that ensures an amazing student experience. Below are the areas where DGHE has been marked as significantly above the national average.

NSS results