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DGHE EDI Monthly Calendar

DGHE EDI Monthly Calendar

Posted on 10/01/23

There’s always something exciting about January, and here’s the 2023 DGHE Monthly Calendar!

January marks the fresh start of the year and is a time for new beginnings. At DGHE, we take pride in creating an inclusive environment for everyone, where everyone feels welcome.

Start the year by downloading our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) calendar and help promote and celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion. Download it to stay organized within each month and remember important days, events, activities, and observances that highlight different groups’ diverse experiences and histories.

Students can use an EDI calendar to become more aware of the diverse experiences and histories of their peers, learn about and celebrate the contributions of different groups of people, and also be aware of and participate in events and activities that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion on their campus or in their community.


January 2023 Calendar with DGHE bespoke notesFebruary 2023 Calendar


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