Open Call for Academics and Artists – Climate Matters Symposium
Posted on 23/08/23
Climate Matters Symposium, Global to Local is a collaborative project organised by the Schools of Art & Design and Social Sciences and Health at David Game HE, invites proposals that involve current or prospective research in relation to issues of the climate crisis.
Symposium Dates: 21st & 22nd September, 12:00 – 8:00 PM
Submission Deadline: 6th September, 12:00 AM (midnight)
We are living in the age of the Anthropocene, where humans have become the most influential species on the planet causing changes to the acceleration of high temperatures (global warming.) Scientists believe that the use of fossil fuels, agriculture, urbanisation, deforestation, have caused extreme changes on Earth. The Global North is experiencing record-high temperatures and natural disasters such as droughts and wildfires, which are affecting human life, flora and fauna. On the other side, the Global South has been left with millions of people in poverty and conflict, which scholars have termed Climate Injustice. The mass destruction of forests and extinction is already analysed as an international crime – ecocide. Yet, real solutions to address the climate crisis have been slow, and social movements across the globe have come to the streets calling for change. However, the message of a planet in crisis has been vigorously suppressed, and environmental protests are increasingly being criminalised in the Global North. As humans and organisations, we are faced with the question of how to live sustainably, especially in the context of a cost-of-living crisis and we could seek solutions through creativity.
This invitation provides postgraduate students, academics and practitioners, the chance to test and peer-review research, and to network and engage with a wider community of peers. The Climate Matters Symposium is a space for knowledge exchange between disciplines and schools, encouraging cross-fertilisation of ideas, methodologies and practices, and fostering collaborations between researchers, seeking out and considering crosscurrents and commonality for ongoing or potential future research projects
Outputs can be in the form of a traditional research paper or more practice-based mediums such as writing, video, drawing, printmaking, animation, and typography. Parties interested in contributing by sharing their stories as victims, insiders, or experts are also invited to participate in an open interview.
To submit your paper and/or your story please fill out this form: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/j4fa8Rm8WA
To submit artwork please fill out this form:
Please email climatematters@dghe.ac.uk if you have any questions regarding the form or if you simply would like to know more.
The artwork is designed by our talented alumni:
Andreea Timpu, Alexandra Stoian, Bianca Boar and Iulia Sbirnau
@andreea.timpu @stoian.graphicdesign @bianca_boar_designs @juliasbi
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