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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Posted on 14/02/22

This year on Valentine’s Day we decided to promote self-love. 💌

What is self-love?

Loving yourself is more than just having positive self-esteem; it’s about truly accepting every bit of who you are. It’s being able to see ourselves as flawed and imperfect but still be able to recognise our own value. A little different from the love we have for a partner, self-love is a skill that needs to be practised regularly. Remember to challenge yourself, care for yourself, and celebrate – because we all deserve that much.

Can we start with small habits of self-care?
Of course! There’s no magical recipe for self-love, and everyone finds their own path towards healthy mental health. However, there are small practices you can do every day to help you find your own way.

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others!
  2. Don’t worry so much about others’ opinions.
  3. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
  4. Remember, your value doesn’t lie in how your body looks.
  5. Trust yourself to make good decisions for yourself.
  6. See the beauty in simple things._
  7. Try to enjoy small moments!

So today, for our Valentine’s Day surprise, DGHE, we decided to give our students and staff members a small gift to remind everyone it’s important to enjoy small moments with ourselves. 🎁 We decorated our halls and gave all our staff a box of chocolates – just a token of our appreciation!

Valentine's Day 2022 DGHE small gift for staff: a box of chocolatesValentine's Day 2022 DGHE decorationsMonika Czaplicka, our Academic Administrator & Exams Officer during the Valentine's day exercise of self-love.

Self-love isn’t always easy, but it does get easier. We all struggle sometimes, and that’s OK too. 💕



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