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New DGHE Rule on Face Masks

New DGHE Rule on Face Masks

Posted on 07/02/22

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been doing our best to keep all DGHE students and staff members safe. From Monday 7 February, we will take one more step to guarantee everyone stays healthy in 2022: wearing face masks will be compulsory in all areas of the College, unless otherwise exempt. This decision was made to keep the campus a safe and inclusive place for everyone, including those more vulnerable to the virus.

Students who forget to bring a mask can pick one up from the DGHE reception, they will be available for everyone! You can also ask for a Test Kit, so you can keep testing yourself weekly.

Some people may feel more comfortable showing something that says they are unable to wear a face covering. Students who are exempt are welcome to pick up distinctive lanyards at reception communicating your mask exemption for your support.

In case you have a medical exemption, please email covid@dghe.ac.uk your name, student ID number, and evidence of the exemption. We will then notify teachers and staff.

Let’s keep DGHE safe for everyone ☺️

Paul Talan, 

Head of Centre

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