Public Services at DGHE – Application Form or CV to get into a career?
Posted on 05/05/23
I often get approached by students at David Game Higher Education asking me to look at their CVs before they start applying for Public Sector type roles. This could be to join the Police, the Prison Service or the Border Force, for example. Sometimes they are disappointed when I tell them they don’t need one!
Why is that? Well, because the vast majority of roles in the Public Services (and many in the voluntary and charity sector) are through an application process. Such a process can include an application form including basic details, including work history, followed by other activities such as video interviews, a case study, group sessions and of course, an interview (but not normally all of them you’ll be pleased to know).
It’s all about Frameworks
But another major difference concerning this style of the application process is the importance of understanding the main requirements of the organisation you are applying for. Most public sector organisations expect the applicant to understand areas such as Behaviours, Values and Competencies. In other words, these organisations have their own ‘Framework’ which drives what they are about. For example, for all Police services in England and Wales, their Competencies and Values are important. For the NHS, it’s their Values and Behaviours, while for the Prison Service, it is their Competencies and Qualities Framework an applicant needs to get their head around!
It’s not as complicated as it sounds!
If all this seems quite complicated, please don’t worry. Basically, it’s just another way for the organisation to try and make sure that those who apply fully understand what the organisation stands for and that the applicant matches these requirements. Once an applicant has fully understood this, then it is just the case of carrying that knowledge and appreciation through the whole process, including forms that need completing right through to the interview stage. Using your strengths and transferable skills from previous work and life experiences will enable you to match whatever framework or combination of Behaviours, Values etc., the employer is asking for.
Still, need advice?
Suppose you’re considering applying for such a role and want to understand more about Frameworks etc., so why not talk to me about what will be required and what you need to concentrate on? Just email me at r.martin@dghe.ac.uk, and we can work together to make sure you have the best chance of success.
Roger Martin
Careers and Employability Advisor
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